Rules for the use of the Bendana site
Welcome to BENDANA!
These General Terms and Conditions of Use govern access to, and use of, the website owned by Bendana, called BENDANA below.
Access to, and use of, the website and the purchase of products on BENDANA presuppose that the user has read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Use. Use of BENDANA implies implicit acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
This site is managed and maintained by Bendana.
Bendana is registered at the Vicenza Business Register under number 342637, tax code and VAT number 03652540240.
Bendana is registered at the Vicenza Business Register for electronic commerce under no. 15658 - file no. SUAP 171/2012- SU/PRO/3903 dated 17/09/2012 of the municipality of Arcugnano (VI, Italy) one-stop business advisory centre registration.
BENDANA’s administrative and registered office is located at Via Cazzale 73/b, 36057 Arcugnano (VICENZA), ITALY.
Should you require assistance, please visit the CONTACTS section of the site for information or assistance with registration, your orders, deliveries and product returns. You can also send us suggestions and feedback on the services provided or offered by BENDANA.
For legal information, please read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE.
BENDANA may modify or update these General Terms and Conditions of Use in whole or in part. Any modification or update to the General Terms and Conditions of Use will be made available to all users on specific pages on BENDANA and will be binding upon their publication.
Therefore, you should visit this section regularly to check BENDANA’s latest and most up-to-date General Terms and Conditions of Use.
If you do not accept all or part of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, please do not use our website.
Access to, and use of, BENDANA, including viewing web pages, communicating with BENDANA and downloading information about products and purchases made on the site are reserved to our users exclusively for professional purposes and occasionally for private use.
You are responsible for any misuse of BENDANA and its contents. BENDANA cannot be held liable for any use of the website and its contents by any user that does not comply with the laws and regulations in force.
In particular, you will be held liable for the communication of incorrect or false information or data or that is related to third parties (if the third parties have not given their consent), and for any improper use of such data or information.
1. Intellectual property rights
BENDANA’s content, including but not limited to works, images, photos, dialogues, music, sound, video, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material published on the website in any format, including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, diagrams, tools, fonts, website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of BENDANA are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of BENDANA and/or the rights holders. Reproduction, in whole or in part and in any form, of BENDANA and its contents is prohibited without BENDANA’s written consent.
BENDANA has the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any reproduction (whether direct or indirect, temporary or permanent or by any other means or in any form, in whole or in part) of BENDANA and its contents.
As regards the use of BENDANA, you are permitted only to view the website and its contents.
You may also make temporary reproductions, whether transient or accessory and integral and essential to display BENDANA and its contents. You may also browse the website for lawful use of BENDANA and its contents.
You may not reproduce BENDANA and its contents in whole or in part by any means or in any form. Any reproduction must be authorised explicitly by BENDANA or, if necessary, by the authors of the works published on the website. Such reproductions must be made for lawful purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of BENDANA and the authors of the works published on the website.
The authors of the works published on BENDANA may claim ownership of their work at any time and may oppose any distortion or other modification of their works, including any damage to the works that may compromise the authors’ good name and reputation.
You agree to respect the copyright of the authors who have chosen to publish their work on BENDANA or have collaborated with BENDANA to create new expressive and artistic works intended for publication not exclusively on the website or that are an integral part of the website.
In any event, you may not use the content of the website or any individual work protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights in any way or in any form. For example, you must not alter or modify the web content or any work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right except with BENDANA’s express consent or if necessary, without that of any author of the works on the BENDANA site.
BENDANA reserves the right to suspend or interrupt access by users who infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others and to take legal action against them, where appropriate.
2. Trademarks and domain names
BENDANA is the exclusive owner of the BENDANA logos and registered trademarks and of any other sign including the word and domain name.
3. External and internal links to BENDANA
If you would like to link your home page to BENDANA or to other web pages accessible to the public, please visit our CONTACT page to request consent to the BENDANA link.
BENDANA may deny a link to its website if the person requesting links to BENDANA has at any time adopted unfair commercial practices or practices that are not generally adopted by market operators, or has engaged in unfair competition against BENDANA or its suppliers, or if BENDANA fears that such practices or activities may and/or will be adopted by that person in the future. In any case, the use or posting of deep links to BENDANA or the unauthorised use of meta-tags is prohibited except with BENDANA’s express consent.
4. Comments section
The COMMENTS section is intended to highlight the opinions of professionals and individuals who have used our products and wish to provide information/suggestions of general interest. Comments and any photos must be sent via e-mail to our address:
A moderator will examine the messages both with regard to their general interest and to protect the product from irrelevant, offensive, provocative or illegal statements. In accordance with the publication requirements, the moderator may check and choose the messages at his/her discretion or modify or discard the messages received. Therefore, BENDANA does not guarantee that messages sent by e-mail for the COMMENTS page will be published.
The identity of the sender of a message may be made known (unless otherwise indicated) in the COMMENTS section or be linked, even indirectly, to the user and retrieved from search engines.
BENDANA reserves the right to make any use of anything provided by Users, without limitation of space or time, including to modify, reprocess, adapt, translate and anything else necessary for the purpose of publication on the website, with the option of mentioning the user as the author or source of the content.
5. General and/or specialist information and advice on the site
The services and information provided on this website are for information purposes only and must not replace the examination and opinion of a veterinarian under any circumstances. Therefore, the content of the site must not be interpreted as medical advice.
In particular, non-professional and unqualified users are aware that they must never use the information provided on this BENDANA website to treat a health issue or disease in an animal, without having previously and personally contacted a trusted veterinarian.
BENDANA cannot be held liable for any damage to users due to inexperienced and incompetent use of the contents of this website.
6. Publishing
This site is not a newspaper or periodical and is updated whenever necessary or as content becomes available.
7. Our sales policy
BENDANA may oppose the processing of registration requests to the service, use and management of orders from persons and/or companies failing to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Sale and these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website.
8. Law
These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.
These General Terms and Conditions of Use govern access to, and use of, the website owned by Bendana, called BENDANA below.
Access to, and use of, the website and the purchase of products on BENDANA presuppose that the user has read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Use. Use of BENDANA implies implicit acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
This site is managed and maintained by Bendana.
Bendana is registered at the Vicenza Business Register under number 342637, tax code and VAT number 03652540240.
Bendana is registered at the Vicenza Business Register for electronic commerce under no. 15658 - file no. SUAP 171/2012- SU/PRO/3903 dated 17/09/2012 of the municipality of Arcugnano (VI, Italy) one-stop business advisory centre registration.
BENDANA’s administrative and registered office is located at Via Cazzale 73/b, 36057 Arcugnano (VICENZA), ITALY.
Should you require assistance, please visit the CONTACTS section of the site for information or assistance with registration, your orders, deliveries and product returns. You can also send us suggestions and feedback on the services provided or offered by BENDANA.
For legal information, please read our TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE.
BENDANA may modify or update these General Terms and Conditions of Use in whole or in part. Any modification or update to the General Terms and Conditions of Use will be made available to all users on specific pages on BENDANA and will be binding upon their publication.
Therefore, you should visit this section regularly to check BENDANA’s latest and most up-to-date General Terms and Conditions of Use.
If you do not accept all or part of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, please do not use our website.
Access to, and use of, BENDANA, including viewing web pages, communicating with BENDANA and downloading information about products and purchases made on the site are reserved to our users exclusively for professional purposes and occasionally for private use.
You are responsible for any misuse of BENDANA and its contents. BENDANA cannot be held liable for any use of the website and its contents by any user that does not comply with the laws and regulations in force.
In particular, you will be held liable for the communication of incorrect or false information or data or that is related to third parties (if the third parties have not given their consent), and for any improper use of such data or information.
1. Intellectual property rights
BENDANA’s content, including but not limited to works, images, photos, dialogues, music, sound, video, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material published on the website in any format, including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, diagrams, tools, fonts, website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of BENDANA are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of BENDANA and/or the rights holders. Reproduction, in whole or in part and in any form, of BENDANA and its contents is prohibited without BENDANA’s written consent.
BENDANA has the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any reproduction (whether direct or indirect, temporary or permanent or by any other means or in any form, in whole or in part) of BENDANA and its contents.
As regards the use of BENDANA, you are permitted only to view the website and its contents.
You may also make temporary reproductions, whether transient or accessory and integral and essential to display BENDANA and its contents. You may also browse the website for lawful use of BENDANA and its contents.
You may not reproduce BENDANA and its contents in whole or in part by any means or in any form. Any reproduction must be authorised explicitly by BENDANA or, if necessary, by the authors of the works published on the website. Such reproductions must be made for lawful purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of BENDANA and the authors of the works published on the website.
The authors of the works published on BENDANA may claim ownership of their work at any time and may oppose any distortion or other modification of their works, including any damage to the works that may compromise the authors’ good name and reputation.
You agree to respect the copyright of the authors who have chosen to publish their work on BENDANA or have collaborated with BENDANA to create new expressive and artistic works intended for publication not exclusively on the website or that are an integral part of the website.
In any event, you may not use the content of the website or any individual work protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights in any way or in any form. For example, you must not alter or modify the web content or any work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right except with BENDANA’s express consent or if necessary, without that of any author of the works on the BENDANA site.
BENDANA reserves the right to suspend or interrupt access by users who infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others and to take legal action against them, where appropriate.
2. Trademarks and domain names
BENDANA is the exclusive owner of the BENDANA logos and registered trademarks and of any other sign including the word and domain name.
3. External and internal links to BENDANA
If you would like to link your home page to BENDANA or to other web pages accessible to the public, please visit our CONTACT page to request consent to the BENDANA link.
BENDANA may deny a link to its website if the person requesting links to BENDANA has at any time adopted unfair commercial practices or practices that are not generally adopted by market operators, or has engaged in unfair competition against BENDANA or its suppliers, or if BENDANA fears that such practices or activities may and/or will be adopted by that person in the future. In any case, the use or posting of deep links to BENDANA or the unauthorised use of meta-tags is prohibited except with BENDANA’s express consent.
4. Comments section
The COMMENTS section is intended to highlight the opinions of professionals and individuals who have used our products and wish to provide information/suggestions of general interest. Comments and any photos must be sent via e-mail to our address:
A moderator will examine the messages both with regard to their general interest and to protect the product from irrelevant, offensive, provocative or illegal statements. In accordance with the publication requirements, the moderator may check and choose the messages at his/her discretion or modify or discard the messages received. Therefore, BENDANA does not guarantee that messages sent by e-mail for the COMMENTS page will be published.
The identity of the sender of a message may be made known (unless otherwise indicated) in the COMMENTS section or be linked, even indirectly, to the user and retrieved from search engines.
BENDANA reserves the right to make any use of anything provided by Users, without limitation of space or time, including to modify, reprocess, adapt, translate and anything else necessary for the purpose of publication on the website, with the option of mentioning the user as the author or source of the content.
5. General and/or specialist information and advice on the site
The services and information provided on this website are for information purposes only and must not replace the examination and opinion of a veterinarian under any circumstances. Therefore, the content of the site must not be interpreted as medical advice.
In particular, non-professional and unqualified users are aware that they must never use the information provided on this BENDANA website to treat a health issue or disease in an animal, without having previously and personally contacted a trusted veterinarian.
BENDANA cannot be held liable for any damage to users due to inexperienced and incompetent use of the contents of this website.
6. Publishing
This site is not a newspaper or periodical and is updated whenever necessary or as content becomes available.
7. Our sales policy
BENDANA may oppose the processing of registration requests to the service, use and management of orders from persons and/or companies failing to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Sale and these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website.
8. Law
These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.